On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 19:02 +0200, guenther wrote:

> > > And the origin of any
> > >   attachment will be clear without confusion.
> > 
> > Thanks. this actually explains it better.
> I tried to explain this more than once... ;)
> You even can set Forwarding as Attachment as default forwarding action
> in the Settings.
> > Just for my understanding...
> > Was this changed in 1.5 from 1.4.6.
> Dunno when exactly the attachment handling changed. But IIRC it where
> only minor changes, most of the logic still is the same as it was for a
> couple of versions.
> > I am just a little use to the way
> > Outlook did things and I thought that 1.4.6. use to do it in a format
> > where text forward/replies were "inline" while attachments always "moved
> > with the mail". This is apparently not (no longer) the case. Why is
> > that?
> I already expressed my opinion about attachment handling...
> It doesn't make any sense at all to resend attachments when replying --
> cause the one you are replying to just sent you the very same
> attachment. So why would I want to send it back?
> When forwarding inline/quoted, the origin of attachments simply is not
> clear. Whereas forwarding as attachment leaves the original mail
> entirely unaltered and isn't ambiguous about the origin of any
> attachment.
> Forwarding as Attachment is the way to go, IMHO.
> ...guenther
This clarified what I needed. It makes sense once it is explained. Hold
over thought process from my MS Outlook days.

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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