On Wed, 2001-10-31 at 21:05, Ross Burton wrote:
> On Wed, 2001-10-31 at 09:42, Chris Heywood wrote:
> > hrmm, that doesn't really sound like what I'm experiencing.  what I'm
> > talking about is that for the same number of clicks, or the same number
> > of turns of the wheel, less messages scroll pass when there are lots of
> > messages in the folder.
> > 
> > actually, testing now I get your problem too.  when the folder has lots
> > of messages, moving the wheel slowly but consistently won't even move
> > the view at all.  in a folder with less messages this doesn't seem to be
> > a problem.
> I normally only get the problem if there is a selected message in the
> list view.  If I click in the message display scrolling in the list view
> works fine.

ah, I see this too.
> My biggest folder here is ~800 messages and it doesn't scroll any slower
> than my INBOX (18 messages), that is one unit on the mouse wheel == 3
> messages scrolled.

ok, when I don't have a message selected one unit on my wheel goes 1.5
messages scrolled (or about).  but I don't think this is relevant in a
big way.  it's more the 'mouse wheel scrolling doesn't work as well when
a message is selected'


evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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