On Sun, 2001-11-18 at 18:48, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
> On Sun, 2001-11-18 at 20:18, Ralph Sanford wrote:
> > Downloaded and installed Evo RC2 using Red Carpet on to SuSE 7.2.  I was
> > looking forward to a fix for the broken PGP that started in RC1.
> > 
> > RC2 does not provide any relief.  A message signed by PGP is reported in
> > Evo as PGP 2.6.x is not supported.  EXCEPT the sender signed the message
> > using PGP 6.5.8 (I know that because I signed from a second machine and
> > emailed it to myself).  The message is readable so the error report from
> > Evo is just very annoying.
> You are a tad bit confused here, Evolution isn't complaining that the
> sender signed the message with pgp 2.6.x, it's complaining that you have
> Evolution configured to use pgp 2.6.x and that that version of pgp is no
> longer supported for use within Evolution.
> > 
> > However if the message is encrypted then Evo is broke, dead,
> > non-functional.
> > 
> > IF the message is encrypted, and of course if there is an encrypted
> > attachment, then Evo shows the header of the message and the error
> > indication from Evo that 2.6.x is not supported.  The body of the
> > encrypted message, the attachment and any possible method of recovery
> > are not visible.  The is no encrypted undeciphered text, no icon or menu
> > holding the text, nothing.
> > 
> > The recovery is to set Evo to leave messages on the server at all
> > times.  And then to close Evo and use a different email client to
> > retrieve messages from the server, sort through those messages, find the
> > encrypted message and view the email all through the other email client.
> > 
> > The result is that I am having to manage 2 email clients and the
> > messages left on the server when all I want to do is receive and send
> > encrypted email, preferably with Evo.
> > 
> > While Evo's handling of encrypted email is not perfect, as I have
> > mentioned in earlier posts, prior to RC1 it was generally functional.  I
> > understand that there was a change with PGP coding in RC1 with the
> > removal of support for PGP 2.6.x.  Now there needs to be a fix so that
> > encrypted messages can be used with Evo with at least the functionality
> > that was in the previous beta releases.
> > 
> All that you need to do is point evolution to your pgp binary and it
> will auto-detect that the binary is pgp 6.5.8 and *poof*, problem
> solved.
> Jeff

Something is out of whack here.  This computer never had any PGP 2.6.x
versions installed in any OS: so if Evo saw a PGP 2.6.x binary it was

However I checked to be sure some package did not sneak PGP 2.6.x in as
a dependency or whatever and my system remains clean with just a single
version of PGP 6.5.8i.   In an effort to try your fix I went to the Evo
account setup and changed the binary from PGP to other and then tried to
change it back to /usr/bin/pgp.  Evo refused to accept and retain the
change to pgp!  At this point the fun is definitely gone.  PGP 6.5.8 is
there, it works, and my copy of Evo denies it. Have no idea what caused
this, but I not interested in playing anymore.

Grabbed the pgp keyrings moved them into gnupg which is loaded by
default on SuSE, some quick tweaking and Evo can again read encrypted
messages.  BTW Evo seems to remember the gnupg passphrase for the
complete (pgp was iffy) and the signature report from gnupg appears to
have better qualitative content than the previous PGP signature reports.
Ralph Sanford       -       If your government does not trust you,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -   should you trust your government?

DH/DSS Key   -   0x7A1BEA01

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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