On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 12:50, Luis Villa wrote:
> How new of a gaim would this require? Our experience is that the newest
> gaims are extremely unstable, which is why we haven't really pushed
> them, but I guess we'd take another look at reasonably new versions if
> this kind of hack would be possible/useful.

> > I'm adding additional URL support now.  Perl can examine connections in
> > the modern API so I can use the URL to match the a connection without
> > the session based connection IDs.  It may be difficult to do this in the
> > older version of Gaim that Ximian released.  I need to learn a few more
> > URL forms first.

I'm no expert with Gaim.  The Perl API that supports/acknowledges
multiple connects/protocols was introduced in Gaim 0.45 (10/04/2001). 
The plugin API is superior, and I believe (crossing my fingers) that the
Ximian release (0.11.0-pre9) also understands non-AIM protocols.

I think the Perl that makes the RSS is adequate (for versions 0.45+),
but URL handling would be better suited as a plugin, or even better by
Gaim itself.  I'm willing to give the plugin a go.  Even though older
Gaims don't know what protocol a buddy is on, The Perl RSS script could
batch it to an other source that does--a field in Evo's Contacts

I'm improving the handling of URLs now because Perl lets me make quick
changes.  when I'm settled with the functionality, I'll move it to a
plugin, hopefully one that works well in earlier versions of Gaim.  My
main drive to get better URL handling to to remove the session based
connection ID I inserted in the RSS.  Once the URL is in a true form,
and not a hack, I can hack Evo's contacts to support IM
identities--click to send an IM, or use the IM fields (AIM, Jabber, MSN)
to match the online list to the protocol to make the URL.  Lots of


__S i n z u i___________________________________
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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