Title: Re: [Evolution] Spell checking no longer works with SuSE 8.0
Thanks, Ralph.

I added the pspell_dev package : no change.
Then I got gnome spell package from the www.usr-local-bin.org site and now it works

Thank you very much - I am back in business!

I don't know if it was gnome-spell or the devel package or the combination which did the trick, but when I get the time, I'll investigate.


On Fri, 2002-08-16 at 00:00, Ralph Sanford wrote:
On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 09:10, Paul Hands wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently upgraded to SuSE 8.0 from 7.3.  I have evolution 1.08 and
> connector 1.07 under KDE3.
> Since the upgrade, spell checking doesn't work in Evolution new mail.  I
> have loaded gnome_spell, aspell and pspell..............
> An rpm query gives..............
> pspell-12.2-206
> aspell-
> aspell-en-
> gnome-spell-0.4-1.ximian.2
> ispell-3.2.06-114
> ispell-american-3.2.06-114
> ispell-british-3.2.06-114
> In the gnome preferences, spell checking is turned on and the dialect is
> set to "en".  The "spell check document" option is active in the
> composer, but even with blatant typos, insists that there are no
> spelling errors.  I've tried it with a dialect of en_gb and en_GB as
> well, to no avail.  The presence or absence of ispell makes no
> difference.  If I remove aspell or pspell, the spell check option gets
> grayed out in the menu, so the system seems to be aware of the state of
> the installation.
> Am I missing something?
> TIA,
> Paul

Hi Paul,

A couple of small possibilities for you.  Did you get the evolution
1.0.8 rpm from www.usr-local-bin.org?  The rpm from that site has been
particularly good about working with spell check.

Also there is a version of gnome-spell from that same site
gnome-spell-0.4.1-SuSE.jeo.1  that I am using on several SuSE computers
which may be different than the version that you are using.

Finally you can try adding the pspell-dev from the SuSE CD.  One of my
installs refused to spell check in evolution until I got desperate and
added this file.  No, I do not know why it works that way, but it did.


Ralph Sanford       -       If your government does not trust you,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -   should you trust your government?

DH/DSS Key   -   0x7A1BEA01

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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