My Evolution 1.0.8 won't receive a binary file (jpeg picture) sent from
a Mac OS X (using UUEncoding?). 

My Dad just made the switch from a WinTel machine to a blowtorch of a
Mac (it's really sweet). He's still climbing the learning curve, so
we've hit a hitch we can't get over. He attaches a jpeg picture (he's a
huge railfan, likes trains) to an e-mail and sends it to me. 

It comes in and I can't do ANYthing with it. I see the attachment. I
cannot view it in The GIMP, Electric Eyes... nothing. I save it to disk,
and it saves, but when I try to pull it up, I get "Unknown." But, it's a
standard JPEG.

Seems to me it's a coding config problem. Does anyone know what might be
the problem? He says he can send the same pic to his WinTel machine (via
Juno, another dial-up he has) and it comes through fine in WinDoze. 


My Penguin wears a Red Hat.

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