On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 00:39, Greg Macek wrote:
> I would like to know what the official stance will be on supported
> distributions for the upcoming Evolution 1.2. I noticed that after
> 1.2beta2, a 1.2RC1 release was not made for SuSE 7.3, the distro I
> happen to be running on my home computer. I was testing it out on my
> personal machine so I didn't have to interrupt my daily workflow with
> any possible problems.
> Regardless, I am now left with a 1.2Beta2 running on there with no
> upgrade path available to me right now. I'm not exactly sure why
> development abruptly stopped for SuSE 7.3 during this, but it leaves me
> hanging. Will there be a final 1.2 for 7.3? If not, why? Was there going
> to be any official statements made as to distribution support? 
> I read in the knowledge base that as of 9/11/02 about dropping support
> for older distros over time. Perhaps with the recent release of SuSE 8.1
> you've decided to drop support for 7.3. Some warning or announcement
> would be nice though. I run 7.3 pro on my work notebook and use
> Evolution 1.0.8 exclusively for email. I was looking forward to moving
> to 1.2 soon, but now I'm not so sure I'll be able. Please let me know
> what the future holds for Evolution. Thanks.
> Pardon my rant. Just needed to write :-) 
> - Greg

The release notes for 1.2RC1 list supported distributions, including
some for which support is planned in the near future, e.g. SuSE 8.1.  As
for some of the platforms for which 1.2RC1 will not be available...
well, it's a beta, and the word "beta" implies certain caveats.  We're
not reducing our level of support for SuSE; we're just shifting it to a
more recent set of versions.  If you're willing to upgrade, you may want
to consider that Evolution 1.2 will be available for SuSE 8.1 before
Ximian Desktop will, so if you want both Evolution 1.2 and Ximian
Desktop for SuSE, then you're pretty much limited to SuSE 8.1.  If
you're not willing to upgrade, and bugs in 1.2Beta2 make it worse than
1.0.8, you can downgrade to 1.0.8.


evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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