On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 15:42, Mark Gordon wrote:

> OK, I've looked into this, and I suspect that you somehow got an aspell
> package that was intended for a distribution other than Red Hat 7.1. 
> What's in your /etc/redhat-release file? 

It did say something like "Red Hat Linux release 7.1 (<forgot the

(see below)

> Did this aspell package get
> installed with rpm -Uvh --nodeps? 


> The solution may be to remove aspell*
> and reinstall the aspell packages built for Red Hat 7.1.

Thanks for replying. I did all the installs and upgrades with redcarpet.
I did try to uninstall and reinstall with RC all the *spell* packages. I
got an off list reply from someone with the same setup who said they
also got the same aspell/library error but spell checking was working
for them. I did try a fresh test account and spell checking was also
broken. I copied libltdl.so.3 from a RH8.0 machine to my RH7.1 and that
fixed the aspell error, but still no spell checking in Evolution. It
seems my problem was unique in some way. All upgrades and installs since
the RH7.1 to Ximian desktop install have been with RC.

At this point, my problem is resolved in the sense that I've upgraded
(actually a fresh install) to RH8.0. I was waiting for something to give
me that last little push to upgrade. RH7.1 was getting a little close to
the edge of obsolescence (I needed the spell check for that!). I plan to
run the stock RH version until I get a feel for the system and then I'll
probably Ximianize again once RH8.0 desktop is supported or I miss RC or
the latest Evolution too much. So I'm back to Evolution 1.0.8, spell
checking is working, but I already miss the improvements in Evolution



John S. Weber

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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