At the highest level I think this "developer summit" is suffering from
a lack of a clear goal.  (The same could be said about the OpenFabrics
alliance as a whole, but let's not get into that...)  I'm supposed to
give a talk about the basics of kernel development and I'm happy to do
so, but that implies a certain target audience that is pretty disjoint
from the developers who are leading development.

In general the most valuable use of face-to-face time with code
developers is to settle issues where email discussion has gotten
stuck.  If most people are not already familiar with the issue then it
is very difficult to be productive.

So with that said:

 > 1) the long time and endless threads related to the SA caching thing
 > need to be there. Sean - I saw that you prepare a session, correct?
 > will you presenting few possible designs?

This is the perfect type of thing to try and settle.

 > 2) as for IPoIB stateless offload - with Eli and Liran not planned to
 > be there. Dror - do you intend to actually present the actual ipoib /
 > core / drivers related design and implementation?

Given that there really hasn't even been an attempt to discuss this on
the mailing list, I'm not convinced it's worth trying to rush through
explaining it.  I didn't think the patches were particularly hard to

 > 4) IPoIB connected mode UC support - Roland, can work on this start
 > once the no-SRQ design/code is agreed and committed to a branch at
 > your git?

Is there a spec for attaching UC QPs to SRQs?  Other than that I think
it's just a matter of someone caring enough to start working on it.

 > 5) IB 4K MTU - in IPoIB and elsewhere in the IB stack, same here,
 > Roland, do you think a short session is needed

No -- I don't know of any issues that need face-to-face discussion.

 > 6) the netdev network batching RFCs - Krishna, Shirley, will someone
 > from IBM can prepare a session to educate us on the matter and the
 > status?

Why do we need to spend face-to-face time on this?

 - R.
ewg mailing list

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