Tziporet Koren wrote:
Yet another evidence on the confusion created by the existence of two trains carrying IB bits. Both a fix or feature can be here but not there in a given time frame.
I disagree here.
I don't see how can you disagree with the fact that for me, its confusing.

Your claim below goes down to the details of why this patch was not included in ofed 1.3, where I say that the existence of an entity (riding train) which is not the kernel nor a distribution cause confusion and the case of this patch is an example for many other cases of

"where this fix/feature exist? is it kernel version X, ofed version Y or distro update/service-pack Z"
This patch was only accepted to 2.6.25 so we have not missed it since we were based on 2.6.24 (and yes this bug was in the kernel too) In next version (1.4) the fix would be inside in any case. The only thing is that we sometime take patches from newer kernel to OFED especially bug fixes.

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