On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 11:55:42PM +0000, Davis, Arlin R wrote:
>> Currently, the vmw_pvrdma driver is included as a tech preview. It still
>> requires its userspace component
>> (libvmw_pvrdma) from rdma-core. It would be part of rdma-core-13 release I
>> think. If OFED decides to use
>> rdma-core-12 release, we would need some way to add the PVRDMA library
>> as well (maybe a tech preview?).
>> Not sure, but other recently added vendors to the linux kernel (qedr) can run
>> into a similar issue.
> Sorry, we didn't do a good job discussing the complete process for the new 
> rdma-core inclusion into OFED. Similar to the kernel compat-rdma code we need 
> a way to pull in the latest upstream released packages and then allow patches 
> to be pulled in as needed for OFED. So, in this case we should be pulling the 
> tested and validated rdma-core-12 base and then going from there. 

Totally understand that only release rdma-core tags should be pulled into OFED.
> One way to do this is to maybe have Vlad maintain an rdma-core git tree on 
> OFA website for OFED packaging. He would pull in the last official release of 
> rdma-core which is currently tagged as "rdma-core-12". Provider maintainers 
> can clone this git tree, backport any rdma-core-master changes, include bug 
> fixes, and then ask Vlad to pull from their "for-vlad" or whatever branch you 
> like. The OFED packaging process would pull from this local rdma-core git 
> tree instead of directly from git-hub.com.
> Does this make sense? Would this work for provider maintainers or is there a 
> better way? 

I dont mind this approach, though it seems like more work for Vlad.

You would have to also take into consideration that a new rdma-core release 
(or is supposed to happen) in conjunction with a kernel release. That would 
depend on
whether you want to update the rdma-core included in OFED.

Maybe in the future you could take just the rdma-core released for kernel and 
then backport 
stuff to it? I dont think there was one made for 4.8 though.

> Regards, 
> Arlin

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