Attendees                          Company
Robert Woodruff                Intel
Arlin Davis                          Intel
Vladimir Sokolovsky          Mellanox
Rupert Dance                    SW Forge
Brenden Myers                  SW Forge
Michal Kalderon                Cavium


*         Opens

o   Discussed the need for Broadcom's new 25Gb/s driver for Spring interop/plug 
fest since it is not fully functional in 4.8-2.

?  Can Broadcom maybe build an OFED-4.8-2+Broadcom-patches version if needed?

o   Discussed the need to clean up release notes before next release, need firm 

?  Arlin will work with Rupert on a first cut.

*         OFED 4.8-2 GA released!



*         OFED-next decisions:

o base - OFED-4.17 will be next release

? 4.17-rc1 - expected mid-April; will delay the start of OFED-next

?  Agree to pull from linux-next (linux-next-cherry-picks/linux-next-pending) 
if isolated to IHV driver.

o   New distro/backport support, last 2

?  RH EL7.4, RH7.5

?  SLES12.3 and SLES15 (~June 2018)

?  Ubuntu support was mentioned

*    No plans unless someone steps up and commits to port and support.

o   Libraries/ULPs/Drivers to deprecate

?  Xeon Phi

o   Libraries/ULPs/Drivers to add

?  Huawei hns (Arlin to confirm with Huawei)

?  Mellanox ConnectX5/6

?  Broadcom 25-100Gb/s Adapter

?  FW upgrades

o   Libraries/utilities/ULPs to update

?  Latest stable release of rdma-core (currently at v17)

o   Backport limitations for ulp and drivers (Arlin to reach out to maintainers 
for OFED-4.17 plans)

?  NVMe-oF (no backports in OFED-4.8)

?  i40iw  (no backports in OFED-4.8)

?  NFS-rdma (SLES12.2 and RH7.3 only)

o   OFED-next Release Schedule

?  Goal for first RC - too soon to tell, summer 2018

?  Goal for GA - TBD

*    Align RC's with interop/plugfest if possible

*    If we move quickly, go ahead and release GA and align 4.17.1 with Fall 
interop event



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