
use this formula and drag it  ==> =IF($E$4+R9<$I$4,$E$4+R9,"")

On May 29, 11:26 am, Prashanth Banneni <praba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a issue with excel. Hope you can solve it easily :)
> I have a list with start date and and end date.
> Once i select the start date and end date the range if dates should be shown
> in the Row 10.
> Is it possible using formulae's because the file is too heavy and might
> crash if we include a Macro.
> Please let me know the solution at the earliest as i need to give an
> important presentation on Monday.
> File is attached.
> Thanks in Advance
> Prashanth
> Analyst
>  Test List.xlsx
> 28KViewDownload

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