
Include this line in the code:


A = Range("D21").Value * Range("D20").Value


The variable 'A' will store the number you're looking for.


Regards - Dave.
> Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 14:35:29 -0700
> Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ getting the value from a cell that has a forumla in 
> it
> From: stv.nels...@gmail.com
> To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
> I'm sorry if this is a really simple question or if the answer could
> be found in the archives, I could not find it.
> I have a workseet with a simple that has a simple forumula
> =D21*D20
> in VBA, I need to get the value of that cell. Thanks for your help,
> I hope it is something very simple, sorry again if I missed something
> obvious.
> > 

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Some important links for excel users:
1. Excel and VBA Tutorials(Video and Text), Free add-ins downloads at 
2. Excel tutorials at http://www.excel-macros.blogspot.com
3. Learn VBA Macros at http://www.vbamacros.blogspot.com
4. Excel Tips and Tricks at http://exceldailytip.blogspot.com

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