please try this Array formula

Array Formula needs to be entered with 3 keys :  Ctrl + Shift,  Enter !

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 12:28 AM, Susan <> wrote:

> Hi experts!
> I have a project to do given to me by a doctor that has a series of blood
> pressure results (numbers) from various patients.  And would like me to give
> him the average blood pressure result.
> How can I get Excel 2007 to convert the 120/80 into a format that will
> allow me to find averages, without breaking 120/80 into two different cells.
> My example file would look like this:
> In column A
> A1        120/80
> A2        119/79
> A3        125/60
> Average of A1:A2:A3 = 121/73
> Thanking you much!

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