It seems you need a new template standards.

Open a new workbook
Set the desired number of sheet in the workbook
Select all sheets at once as a group
Select all cells (Ctrl + A)
Format the cells of this workbook  in your
own font-style, font-size, and so on,
including the format number  (= GENERAL)
save the workbook with NAME:  BOOK.XLTX
(assumption: you you are the users of Excel 2007 / 2010)
storage paths:
If you are a Windows XP user
the Templates folder is usually C:\Documents and Settings\\Application
In Windows Vista the Templates folder is usually

Make the same workbook but also contains only one sheet and save as

book.xltx will be used by Excel when you open a new workbook.
sheet.xltx will be used by Excel every time you insert a new sheet.


On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Amit Desai (MERU) <
> wrote:

>  Dear Masters,****
> ** **
> Can you please let me know, how to set a default format for all cells in
> excel 2007. As of now whenever I type any data it comes in date format, I
> want to change this to general.****
> ** **
> Regards,****
> *Amit Desai*****
> **

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