Hello Excel community.

I created the sub UsedShortCutKey to run when I open a workbook. This
sub was made to call the sub MainProcedure (strLetter as string) when
someone presses Ctrl+Shift+a. But when someone presses these keys, it
doesn’t happen. Instead, Excel warns saying:

You can not run the macro 'MainProcedure ("a")'. Maybe it’s not
available in thisworkbook or all macros are disabled.

I know that this Excel warning is completely wrong. So this is not the
real problem.

After this Excel warnning, the sub MainProcedure disappears from the
macros list and debugging this sub MainProcedure is no more allowed.

So what is going on?

Best regards

1. See codes below.
2. If I define MainProcedure without arguments everything work very
well, ie, the sub MainProcedure is called normally.

Sub UsedShortCutKey()
Application.OnKey "^+a", "MainProcedure(" & Chr(34) & "a" & Chr(34) &
End Sub

Sub MainProcedure (strLeter As String)
    If strLetra = "a" Then
        vprov = "Pressed A"
    ElseIf strLetra = "e" Then
        vprov = "Pressed E"
    ElseIf strLetra = "f" Then
        vprov = "Pressed F"
    End If
End Sub

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