the simplest is

sub nameit
end sub


Don Guillett
Microsoft MVP Excel
SalesAid Software
-----Original Message----- From: tangledweb
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2012 5:22 AM
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Need help with VBAfor Excel naming and using column names for looping

I am trying to understand how to name a column of data and be able to
reference the data by that name.  Ideally I could set the name
programatically but if it needs to be done through the ribbon command
that is acceptable.
Ideally inserting a new column before the named column will not affect
that column's name.

The simplest example of
Sub Macro1()
   Dim x as long
  Const ExitValue = 4

  x = Cells(6, ExitValue).Value
  Cells(7, ExitValue) = x
End Sub
Functions but for some reason I can not see the value of x in the
immediate window.  I just get nothing back if I print x.

But is this really the best wah to do this?  It seems inelegant at
best.  And certainly if I insert a new column 3 I need to change this
code to
Const ExitValue = 5

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