Hi Maulik,

May be below code help you

*Sub Test_ExtractData()*
*    Dim wksSht              As Worksheet*
*    Const strFileSavePath   As String = "C:\"*
*    *
*    For Each wksSht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets*
*        With Workbooks.Add(1)*
*            With .Worksheets(1)*
*            wksSht.Cells.Copy*
*            .Worksheets(1).Cells.PasteSpecial*
*            .Worksheets(1).Name = wksSht.Name*
*            Application.CutCopyMode = False*
*            End With*
*            Application.DisplayAlerts = False*
*            .SaveAs strFileSavePath & wksSht.Name & ".xls", 56*
*            .Close False*
*            Application.DisplayAlerts = True*
*        End With*
*    Next wksSht*
*End Sub*
Lalit Mohan

On Monday, 31 December 2012 13:01:52 UTC+5:30, maulik wrote:
> Hi team,
> I am having 1excel workbook which contains 250 excel sheets and now I want 
> to extract those sheets into separate workbook for each sheets. Means I 
> want to create 250 workbooks from.250 sheets request u to can someone 
> provide me the vb code for this.
> Need it  little urgently.

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