I am open to suggestions on how best to go about this and am aware this 
might be a fairly simple request but I either lack the expertise or the 
correct vernacular to find the answer myself. 

On a daily basis I receive files of approximately 56000 rows of part 
numbers along with each parts pertinent data. From this I must remove parts 
located on a separate list of about 8000 parts from the original in order 
for the files to load correctly. So far I have been solving this by VLOOKUP 
and then manually deleting but I am aware there must be a quicker and 
easier way either by VBA, Macro, or SQL scripting. I am open to any 
suggestions as to how best to do this.

Ultimately I would like the result to be that by selecting a particular 
column and for instance running a macro it would delete the matching part 
numbers and their corresponding rows being that the column the part number 
is located on changes from file to file.

I do not expect anyone to do the work for me (although if you do I will be 
eternally grateful) if you could give me the correct syntax for what I am 
trying to do so I can appropriately find the answer this would be extremely 

Thank you in advance. 

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