Can you share sample text file and workbook ?

Pada 11/09/2013 22:42, CesarSan menulis:
I have been researching for a quicker way to do the following task, but I couldn´t...

Can you please help me with that? It is basically a parser that convert text files into sheets, but the problem is that the text file has about 100000 lines and this code is taking more then half hour to run!

For each new line of the text file, first I check if the sheet already exists and then check if the column title already exists... if so, it fills the data in the corresponding field, if not it creates the sheet and the column.

I know that this code is not optimized at all, but I am not a programmer so that is the way I could make this job.

                Open sFileName For Input As #1
                While Not EOF(1)
                    Line Input #1, sLin
If Left(sLin, 3) = "ADD" Or Left(sLin, 3) = "SET" Or Left(sLin, 3) = "MOD" Then
                        sLinSplitted = Split(sLin, ",")
                        NumberOfParameters = UBound(sLinSplitted)
                        For p = 0 To NumberOfParameters
                        Select Case p
                        Case 0
                            Aux1 = Split(sLinSplitted(p), ":")
                            AuxTabl = Split(Aux1(0), " ")
                            Tabl = AuxTabl(1)
                            Aux2 = Split(Aux1(1), "=")
                            Parm = Aux2(0)
                            Parmval = Aux2(1)
                            If Tabl <> Tablpre Then
                                DoNotCreate = 0
                                    For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
                                        If sh.Name = Tabl Then
                                            DoNotCreate = 1
                                            GoTo Continue:
                                        End If
                                If DoNotCreate <> 1 Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count)).Name = Tabl
                                End If
                                Tablpre = Tabl
                            End If
Linh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Tabl).UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Tabl).Cells(1, 1) = "NE"
                        Case Is > 0
                            Aux2 = Split(sLinSplitted(p), "=")
                            Parm = Aux2(0)
                            Parmval = Aux2(1)
                        End Select
                            Parm = Replace(Parm, " ", "")
                            Parmval = Replace(Parmval, ";", "")
Set Strg = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Tabl).Range("1:3").Find(Parm, LookAt:=xlWhole)
                            If Strg Is Nothing Then
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Tabl).Rows("1:1")
                                      Set CT = .Find(What:="")
                                    End With
                                colun = CT.Column
                                colun = Strg.Column
                            End If
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Tabl).Cells(1, colun) = Parm
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Tabl).Cells(Linh, colun) = Parmval
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Tabl).Cells(Linh, 1) = NEName
                        If ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Tabl).Cells(2, 1) = "" Then
                            Linh = 2
Temp = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Tabl).UsedRange.Rows.Count
                         Linh = Temp + 1
                        End If
                    End If

An example from the input text file is:


Where ALMBLKPARA must be the name of the sheet, AID, BLKPRD, CNTRISTHRD, CNTSTLTHRD, TMRISTHRD and TMSTLTHRD the column titles with the corresponding value after each "=".

I really appreciate your help.

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Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you wanna be? It’s 
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