On Sun, 3/19/17, libertystringer via MS EXCEL AND VBA MACROS 
<excel-macros@googlegroups.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ book for excel
 To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
 Date: Sunday, March 19, 2017, 7:54 PM
 On Sun, 3/19/17, 'Izhar Ul Haq' via MS EXCEL AND VBA MACROS
  Subject: Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ book for excel
  To: "excel-macros@googlegroups.com"
  Date: Sunday, March 19, 2017, 4:12 PM
  are so many books from which you may learn excel, and so
  many example from the internet from which you may learn
  excel, there is no comprehensive book from which you may
  learn a lot.
    From: Cori
  MACROS <excel-macros@googlegroups.com>
   Sent: Friday, March 17,
  2017 3:42 PM
  $$Excel-Macros$$ book for excel
  Can you
  suggest a book for excel
  Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you
  wanna be? It’s =TIME(2,DO:IT,N:OW) ! Join official
  Facebook page of this forum @ https://www.facebook.com/discussexcel
  1) Use concise, accurate thread titles. Poor thread
  like Please Help, Urgent, Need Help, Formula Problem, Code
  Problem, and Need Advice will not get quick attention or
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  Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you
  wanna be? It’s =TIME(2,DO:IT,N:OW) ! Join official
  Facebook page of this forum @ https://www.facebook.com/discussexcel
  1) Use concise, accurate thread titles. Poor thread
  like Please Help, Urgent, Need Help, Formula Problem, Code
  Problem, and Need Advice will not get quick attention or
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  a 25 iunie 1942  Rene de Weck  ministrul Elvetiei
 la Bucuresti  aprecia ca pierderile armatei romane in
 Rasarit erau de 6 000 ofiteri  2 600 subofiteri si 149
 000 soldati  din care 70% erau totusi recuperabili. in
 cadrul inclestarii de la Stalingrad' iulie 1942 - februarie
 1943   26 divizii romanesti au luptat alaturi
 de fortele Axei. Ele au inregistrat insa grave pierderi -
 156 000 morti  disparuti si prizonieri. Armata a 3-a
 Romana s-a aflat in incercuire alaturi de trupele
 germane  italiene si maghiare. in anii. 1943-1944 
 fortele romane au sustinut  in continuare  lupte
 grele in Cuban  pentru apararea Crimeii si Basarabiei.
 Dupa anul 1943  Ion Antonescu a inteles ca Germania a
 pierdut razboiul si a actionat pentru a scoate tara din
 razboi. in acelasi timp  multi ofiteri superiori au
 cerut retragerea Armatei Romane de pe front  date fiind
 si marile pierderi materiale si umane in campania din
 Uniunea Sovietica. Efortu! de razboi al tarii noastre pe
 frontul contra Uniunii Sovietice s-a cifrat la 1 miliard de
 dolari  cursul anului 1938.
 Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you
 wanna be? It’s =TIME(2,DO:IT,N:OW) ! Join official
 Facebook page of this forum @ https://www.facebook.com/discussexcel
 1) Use concise, accurate thread titles. Poor thread titles,
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principii importante  precum abolirea privilegiilor si a monopolurilor  si 
obliga la statornicirea raporturilor dintre proprietari si tarani pe baze noi  
modeme. Legea electoralaprevedea insa un cens ridicat.

Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you wanna be? It’s 
=TIME(2,DO:IT,N:OW) ! Join official Facebook page of this forum @ 


1) Use concise, accurate thread titles. Poor thread titles, like Please Help, 
Urgent, Need Help, Formula Problem, Code Problem, and Need Advice will not get 
quick attention or may not be answered.
2) Don't post a question in the thread of another member.
3) Don't post questions regarding breaking or bypassing any security measure.
4) Acknowledge the responses you receive, good or bad.
5) Jobs posting is not allowed.
6) Sharing copyrighted material and their links is not allowed.

NOTE  : Don't ever post confidential data in a workbook. Forum owners and 
members are not responsible for any loss.
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