This is pretty "convoluted" logic.I tried several approaches that soon became 
extremely complex (as if this isn't?)
The approach is this:Establish a starting date of 01-Jan of LAST yearand an 
Ending Date of -1-Jan of NEXT year.(I could've hard-coded these dates, but then 
you'd have to edit the macro in a few months!)
then, I calculate the number of days between those two 
Next, calculate the number of days between this year old starting date and the 
"IN" date. $B3-DATE(YEAR(NOW())-1,1,1)Now, for the month you're evaluating, 
find the number of days since the first day of the month and this old starting 
I select the MAX() of these two dates and subtract it from the total days.
I do the same thing, calculating the days between the "future" date and the 
"Out" dateand compare it to the first day of the NEXT month from the reporting 
month.(I have to take into account that the "next" month could also be January 
of the next year, so I use:DATEVALUE(MONTH(H$2+31)&"/1/"&YEAR(H$2+31)) to 
calculate that date.the MAX() of these two dates is also subtracted from the 
total days and you get the days within each month!
Plugging in valuesIf you have an "IN" date of 29-Jan-2017and an "OUT" date of 
15-Feb-2017and you're looking for the days worked in February of 2017:
I counted the number of days from 01-Jan-2016 and 01-Jan-2018 (731)The days 
from February 1 to 01-Jan-2016 is 397, the days from the "IN" date to 
01-Jan-2016 is 394, so the MAX() is 397The days from first of the next month 
(01-Mar-2017) to 01-Jan-2018 is 306The days from the "Out" date of 15-Feb-2017 
to 01-Jan-2018 is 320so the MAX() here is 320.Taking total days available 
731-397-320 gives 14.
Now, I have a slight issue with the total here.since 15-Feb-2017 should be 
FIFTEEN days in February, not 14.
It turns out that in the month of the "OUT" date, the calculation will be off 
by, I check to see if the month and year of the "out" date is the same as 
the "evaluation" month and if they match, I add 
the formula ends up looking 
hope this helps
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By all the means you can,
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    On Saturday, September 23, 2017 12:45 PM, vikas khen <> 

 Hi All,
Request to all of you that kindly find the attached sheet and help me to 
calculate  Month wise cost by selecting the month and how to represent the same 
in piot table too.
your assistance in this regards will be highly appreciated
Thank you
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Attachment: Month_Count.xlsx
Description: MS-Excel 2007 spreadsheet

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