=== Find forward rules ===
$mydata = @()
foreach ($i in (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited)) {
$Result = Get-InboxRule -Mailbox $i.DistinguishedName | where {($_.ForwardTo) 
-and ($_.ForwardTo -like "*smtp:*")}
$mydata += ($Result |  select-object -property 
@{Name="UserName";Expression={(get-user -Identity 
@{Name="Rule Enabled";Expression={$_.Enabled}},
@{Name="Rule Name";Expression={$_.Name}},
@{Name="Forward To";Expression={$_.ForwardTo}},
$mydata | export-csv e:\Scripts\FwdRuleOutput.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force

===Find redirect rules ===
$mydata = @()
foreach ($i in (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited)) {
$Result = Get-InboxRule -Mailbox $i.DistinguishedName | where {($_.ReDirectTo) 
-and ($_.ReDirectTo -like "*smtp:*")}
$mydata += ($Result |  select-object -property 
@{Name="UserName";Expression={(get-user -Identity 
@{Name="Rule Enabled";Expression={$_.Enabled}},
@{Name="Rule Name";Expression={$_.Name}},
@{Name="Redirect To";Expression={$_.ReDirectTo}},
$mydata | export-csv e:\Scripts\RedirRuleOutput.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force

===Remove Inbox Rules===
Remove-InboxRule -Mailbox <e-mail address> -identity "<The full rule name>" 
-force -confirm:$false

From: listsad...@lists.myitforum.com [mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On 
Behalf Of Miller Bonnie L.
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 11:16 AM
To: exchange@lists.myitforum.com
Subject: [Exchange] Reporting on who has rules

Exchange 2013, I've been asked to create a report on who has mailbox rules 
enabled that might do a redirect to an external e-mail account (due to a 
targeted phishing attack, to make sure something isn't in place that we don't 
know about).  I've never had to do anything like this before, anyone know the 
best way to go about this or what to search on to get started?


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