I am looking for an application that uses the Outlook Task list feature to
replace a manual process currently used.

1. A client submits an update for their website to a content manager.  This
request is then posted on a publicly located whiteboard.  The post
information consists of the client name, posters initials, date posted and a
job description

2.  The programmers come to look at the whiteboard for projects.  If a
programmer decides to pick up a project, they put their initials next to
the posters initials on the whiteboard.

3.  Once the changes are completed, the programmer then comes back to the
whiteboard and puts the completion date in the project row and notifies the
content manager.

4.  The content manager then reviews the changes and either sends the
project back for additional changes or moves the changes to the staging
server.  If the manager moves the project to the staging server, the move
date is posted in the project row on the whiteboard and notifies the client
pending changes are available for review.

5.  If the client OK's the changes, the project is then removed from the

Does anyone know if something like this is available?  Or would it be a
difficult process for it to be created?  Is it possible for a public task to
be created in Exchange, then self-assigned?  If it is, is it possible for a
task list manager to see who has assigned themselves projects?  Is this way
more complicated than the task list was ever envisioned to be used for?


Devin M. Rader
Application Developer
Drone & Mueller interactive | www.drone-interactive.com
314.434.3141 | 12977 N Forty Dr, Ste 100 | St Louis, MO 63141  

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