Hi Everyone,

I have 2 issues currently that I can't seem to resolve, so thought I'd post
to the group for some insight. First, I am running Exchange 5.5 SP4 on
Win2000 SP1.

Here are my issues:

1) Periodically, I get the following event log entry. When it starts, I will
get an entry every 30-60 seconds for a couple hours, then they stop again. I
have searched Technet, but haven't found a resolution to this. The article I
found (Q170056) didn't really apply (from what I can tell). We are not using
DHCP, and it states a socket error 10061 means connection was refused, but I
don't get that socket #. 

Event Type:     Warning
Event Source:   MSExchangeMTA
Event Category: Operating System 
Event ID:       9215
Date:           8/20/2001
Time:           10:38:08 AM
User:           N/A
Computer:       EXCHSRVR
A sockets error 0 on a connect() call was detected. The MTA will attempt to
recover the sockets connection. Control block index: 9. [BASE IL TCP/IP DRVR
8 262] (12)

2) We have 2 separate Exchange 5.5 SP4 sites (one on Win2K, one on NT 4.0
SP6a) here in our office which are part of the same Org. Each is responsible
for mail for specific domains. I am looking to consolidate the 2 sites into
one, and move the mailboxes from one server to the other. Our firewall
re-directs traffic for each domain to the specific Exchange server. 

I've added the domain suffix (companyx.com) to the IMC on our Exchange
server we want to keep, and have tried re-directing the firewall to point
the mail to the new server, but it bounces with a 550 Domain Invalid
message. The IMC is handling 3-4 other domains no problem. I don't
understand why this one is giving me problems. Is there an issue with 2 IMCs
in an Org accepting the same e-mail domains? Any other ideas as to why this
would fail?

Any assistance on either matter would be appreciated.

Bill Kastner
Network Administrator
RAND Worldwide

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