>From a friend:

>Subject: RE: [LAwDW] Fish Taco's
>Book of Refreshments, Chapter 3, Verses 1 - 12
>1. The master looked upon the crowd as they were locked in throes of a
>great conflagration and spoke to them.
>2. There once was a maker of tacos called Juan.  He was very successful in
>his home town of Santo Poco and was well known for making the best tacos in
>the land.  Sadly, all the lands around Santo Poco were struck with a
>horrible blight that caused the tortillas to wilt on the vine and made them
>unsuitable for harvest.
>3. So Juan and his family travelled far to the north, to a land where tacos
>were few and far between, and there he opened a small taco stand to feed
>those who hungered for tacos.
>4. The customers came to the stand, and among them was one named Rafael.
>His grandparents also came from the lands to the south, and he was widely
>considered to be an expert on all things taco.  Rafael examined the menu
>quite closely and proclaimed "That's not a taco. A 'real' taco contains
>cheese, lettuce, beef/chicken, diced tomatoes, and hot sauce within a
>crunchy corn or soft flour taco shell."
>5. And Rafael turned and left the taco stand without partaking of Juan's
>6. Seeing that Rafael had snubbed the taco stand, the customers also
>examined the menu and agreed that the tacos sold at the stand were not real
>tacos, and then they also left.
>7. Juan's hart was heavy with sorrow, and his shelves were full of unsold
>8. But there were a small number of customers that were of adventurous
>palate.  They tried the tacos of Juan's taco stand and found them quite
>pleasing.  Some said "It's not a real taco, but it's still good," and
>others proclaimed "Hey, I like this."  Then one named Alfonzo said "This is
>a lot better than those crap tacos they sell down the street".
>9. Juan's spirits were lifted, and his shelves were emptied day after day.
>10. Then the master looked at the confused crowd and explained.
>11. A taco is not in the cheese, or beef, or crispy shell.  A taco is in
>the warm, happy feeling you have after eating it... oh, and in the
>cillantro it's seasoned with... and the cervesa you drink with it... and
>the sliced hot peppers, got to have those.
>12. And the crowd became very annoyed and pummeled the master greatly and
>with much vigor, and went on to debate the merits of tamales.
>Quoted from Martin Blackstone - 8/22/01, 10:49 AM -0700:
>>Then he says this...
>>A 'real' taco contains cheese, lettuce, beef/chicken, diced tomatoes,
>>hot sauce within a crunchy corn or soft flour taco shell.  Anything else
>>must be from California.
>>Which if you have even been to Mexico you know is not the way they serve
>>a taco...

(By CtS&M)

Drew (MOS)
KWAR2001 website: www.schoolofdefence.org/kwar.html
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Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger,
but it won't taste good.  -- Joe Paterno

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