1. doc is in the exchange server cd under support folder
2. read everything especially the beginning paragraphs about warning...
3. use the sp4 (it has fixes for the sp3)
4. do it in a test lab/server only [a]
5. do it piece by piece (see options)
6. finally, do it with the "all" option [b]

[a] if you need to do it in your prodn server, ask why? then ask the list
again :-)
[b] see how long the process takes... you do not want to get caught in a
power failure....

-----Original Message-----
From: Smith Thomas Contr 911 SPTG/SC
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 3:10 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Isinteg

        I would like to know what is the correct way of performing the
Exchange utility Isinteg. I have tried to run it and it will go back to
the option switches.I wanted to check the Information store for errors. I
am running Exchange 5.5.. The command i use is C:\EXCHSRVR\BIN> isinteg
-pri -fix.


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