Fortunately, you haven't confused me, but I I think I may have confused you.
Let me try again.

Let's assume you have deleted item retention set for 30 days.
Let's assume you have your mail clients configured to deliver New Mail to a
PST file.
Let's assume you have read and applied the Dumpster AlwaysON Reg Hack "Q"
Having made those assumptions:
You can open that user's mailbox on the server and recover anything that was
once in the inbox on the Mail server for last 30 days.  
Still with me, or did I lose you again?  If you want, we can take this off

Exchange Disaster Recovery, Live it, Learn It, Love It, Get yours today!

"Besides the technical limitations on the PST (remember the P stands for
Personal, that means you're responsible not the mail admin)..." Jim Schwartz

>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Allison Wittstock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 11:45 AM
>>>To: Exchange Discussions
>>>Subject: RE: Losing data after moving to Exchange server
>>>I think I have confused you? Or not explained myself.
>>>Her mails were on her .pst.   Her Outlook was set up for 
>>>using Exchange Server.
>>>She opened her old .pst temporarily, to move old eMails FROM 
>>>the .pst TO the
>>>From your explanation, I think you thought they were on the Server,
>>>then moved to .pst.
>>>On Thu, 04 Oct 2001, you wrote:
>>>> They had to be on some server at sometime, before they 
>>>ended up in the PST
>>>> on the User's HD.  
>>>> MailServer>Mail in Inbox on MailServer.
>>>> Users starts client,mail leaves Inbox of Mailserver, gets 
>>>delivered to inbox
>>>> of PST.
>>>> Go to the OLD Server Or where ever the mail was and try to 
>>>recover what ever
>>>> was lost via the Deleted Item Retention time and the 
>>>dumpster always on Reg
>>>> hack.  
>>>> >>>-----Original Message-----
>>>> >>>From: Allison Wittstock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>> >>>Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 10:35 AM
>>>> >>>To: Exchange Discussions
>>>> >>>Subject: RE: Losing data after moving to Exchange server
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>Can you explain how the deleted item retention would work, 
>>>> >>>if the eMails
>>>> >>>probably weren't on the Server to begin with?
>>>> >>>I also looked on, but the apps seemed to be 
>>>> >>>for .psts that are
>>>> >>>corrupted. This one doesn't seem to be.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>On Tue, 02 Oct 2001, you wrote:
>>>> >>>> Second thought....Do you buy chance have deleted item 
>>>> >>>rention time turned
>>>> >>>> on?  If so, with the dumpster always on reg hack you 
>>>> >>>should be able to
>>>> >>>> recover at least mail for the amount of days you have 
>>>> >>>retention time
>>>> >>>> set...!!!!
>>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> Where was the personal folder stored?  PC...?  Network 
>>>> >>>share?  If share, was
>>>> >>>> it backed up?  
>>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> How important is this info that is lost?  Is it worth 
>>>> >>>$245..if so, you might
>>>> >>>> want to call PSS.  I don't think they'll charge if they 
>>>> >>>can't help...
>>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> Have you looked at
>>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> PST files blow, don't they...?
>>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> Matthew
>>>> >>>> Exchange Disaster Recovery, Live it, Learn It, Love It, 
>>>> >>>Get yours today!
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> "Besides the technical limitations on the PST (remember 
>>>> >>>the P stands for
>>>> >>>> Personal, that means you're responsible not the mail 
>>>> >>>admin)..." Jim Schwartz
>>>> >>>> 8-16-01
>>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>-----Original Message-----
>>>> >>>> >>>From: Allison Wittstock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>> >>>> >>>Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 8:29 AM
>>>> >>>> >>>To: Exchange Discussions
>>>> >>>> >>>Subject: RE: Losing data after moving to Exchange server
>>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>I have opened the file, but I do not see a Lost & 
>>>Found folder.
>>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>I tried to count the items, and I can account for about 
>>>> >>>> >>>2/3's of the 2697
>>>> >>>> >>>items.  Her deleted items were ALL of her emails.
>>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>Is there anything else I can do to this .pst to 
>>>recover the 
>>>> >>>> >>>lost items?  They
>>>> >>>> >>>have to be somewhere, no?
>>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>Yes, I have seen your quote, but the fact is, I'm the
>>>> >>>> >>>Administrator and I am expected to solve any technical 
>>>> >>>> >>>problem for my users.
>>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>Allison Wittstock
>>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>On Tue, 02 Oct 2001, you wrote:
>>>> >>>> >>>> Could be...I've seen users with Tens of 
>>>thousands of items 
>>>> >>>> >>>and only have
>>>> >>>> >>>> 25MB.  On the other hand I've seen users with 
>>>about a few 
>>>> >>>> >>>hundred items and
>>>> >>>> >>>> be well over 400MB.  You will have to open up 
>>>the file and 
>>>> >>>> >>>look.   Also,
>>>> >>>> >>>> look for a "Lost & Found" folder in the Scanned PST.  
>>>> >>>> >>>> PS> Have you seen the Jim Schwartz quote below my 
>>>> >>>signature?????
>>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> Matthew
>>>> >>>> >>>> Exchange Disaster Recovery, Live it, Learn It, Love It, 
>>>> >>>> >>>Get yours today!
>>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> "Besides the technical limitations on the PST (remember 
>>>> >>>> >>>the P stands for
>>>> >>>> >>>> Personal, that means you're responsible not the mail 
>>>> >>>> >>>admin)..." Jim Schwartz
>>>> >>>> >>>> 8-16-01
>>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>-----Original Message-----
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>From: Allison Wittstock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 6:30 AM
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>To: Exchange Discussions
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>Subject: RE: Losing data after moving to 
>>>Exchange server
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>ScanPST did not find any errors.  But, it 
>>>found 19 folders 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>and 2697 Objects.
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>Does this sound right for a PST that is about 
>>>370MB?  She 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>has a Contact list
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>with 800 contacts, and some Calendars that are not 
>>>> >>>so large. 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>> Could it be the
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>missing data is somehow 'hidden' in the .pst?
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>On Mon, 01 Oct 2001, you wrote:
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Make a copy of the file, then run ScanPST on it. 
>>>> >>> If it's 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>successful.  Try
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> importing the messages into exchange instead of 
>>>> >>>moving them...
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Matthew
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Exchange Disaster Recovery, Live it, Learn 
>>>It, Love It, 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>Get yours today!
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> "Besides the technical limitations on the 
>>>PST (remember 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>the P stands for
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Personal, that means you're responsible not 
>>>the mail 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>admin)..." Jim Schwartz
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 8-16-01
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>-----Original Message-----
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>From: Allison Wittstock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 10:49 AM
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>To: Exchange Discussions
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>Subject: Losing data after moving to 
>>>Exchange server
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>Hello,
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>One of my users switched from having .pst and 
>>>> >>>> >>>Internet-only 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>mode to Corporate
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>Workgroup mode, to utilize the new Exchange 
>>>> >>>(2k) server.  
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>The mailbox size limit
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>on the Server is 300MB.  She opened her .pst (in 
>>>> >>>> >>>Outlook 2k) 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>to move data from
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>it to her new mailbox.  Her .pst exceeded the 
>>>> >>>limit by a 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>hundred MBs. The
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>last folder she moved was very large, and 
>>>> >>>during this move 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>she exceeded the
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>mailbox size limit.   The move was unsuccessful, 
>>>> >>>> >>>but now the 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>data is neither in
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>the old .pst nor the Exchange mailbox Folder she 
>>>> >>>> >>>was trying 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>to move it to.  In
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>her "deleted Objects" Folder there is the 
>>>> >>>Folder she tried 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>to move, but it is
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>empty, and none of the Sub-folders are there. 
>>>> >>>Is there any 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>way to recover this
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>data? Where is the data?
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>I hope that I used the correct terminology, 
>>>> >>>as I am not 
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>working with English
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>language clients or Server.
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>Thank you,
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>A. Wittstock
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>inubit AG
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> >>>> 
>>>> >>>> 
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