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"Besides the technical limitations on the PST (remember the P stands for
Personal, that means you're responsible not the mail admin)..." Jim Schwartz

>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Saul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>>>Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 1:29 PM
>>>To: Exchange Discussions
>>>Subject: Outlook 2000 Custom Views in Public Folders
>>>We are using the Help Desk form available for download for 
>>>free.  It is in a Public Folder and was configured with an 
>>>Outlook XP 2002 client. All of our users are using Outlook 
>>>2000 and when they try to customize a view within that 
>>>public folder with a custom field they are all receiving a 
>>>"The Operation Failed".  But if I use the Outlook XP 2002 
>>>client it works.  It doesn't make sense that it would work 
>>>with XP and not with 2000 since this form was available well 
>>>before XP was released. Any Ideas?
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