
1. The static ports are only if you want to connect to it from the Internet.
Since you also have your Exchange server configured as DC for your AD, it
won't be wise to open up access to it from the Internet.  Why not deploy a
VPN solution for Internet access?

2. With 10 users the overhead shouldn't be a big issue.  The reason why
you'd want to move it is to avoid putting all the eggs in one basket.   


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Carlson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 2:13 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: First Time Setup

I moved from a IMAP/SMTP mail server to using Exchange 2K and I have
some general questions about the setup and configuration. I have a small
home network with 5 servers and a few clients.

1. I want to connect to the Exchange server through my NAT router. I
read that I need to setup static ports for Exchange to use since it
randomly selects ports once the client connects through port 135. Has
anyone done this? Are there any issues with this?

2. I did not have ADS setup so I built a new box to start the AD and to
install Exchange on it since it required AD. Can I keep the Exchange
server on the Domain Controller of the AD or will this cause issues such
as too much overhead? If there is an issue, can I set up another box as
the exchange server and them copy everything over to the new box? How
would I do that?

3. Is there tips and tricks for a home network? I can only forsee 5 to
10 users total. Its mostly setup to do development for Outlook forms and
what not for clients and to provide email for the family.


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