Okay.  Here's the low-down.

I have an Exchange 5.5 server on the inside interface of our firewall and
and IIS SMTP relay server on the DMZ interface of our firewall.  This has
been running for several months without any problems.

Yesterday I reviewed the daily network bandwidth chart for our T1 line out
the to internet and found the inbound traffic was WAY higher (my eyes
almost popped out of my sockets) than usual.  This was highly noticeable
in that the inbound traffic continued into the late hours of the night. 
Normally, after 5pm, network inbound/outbound traffic is dead.

I tried figuring out what all of a sudden is causing this increased
traffic and am beginning to suspect the IIS SMTP relay box.  Performance
analysis on the box shows that the CPU utilization is much higher than
usual (mainly from inetinfo.exe).  After further investigating, I noticed
that the c:\inetpub\mailroot\queue directory is suddenly full (1500
messages) of .rtr and .eml files (can someone explain the difference
between these?).

Not only are there 1500+ .rtr and .eml files in the queue, but the
messages themselves are not originating from or destined to whitnall.com
(my domain).

I'm assuming someone (most of the messages are from hotmail.com accounts
and contain PORN links) is using our smtp relay...

Can someone please help me address this problem?  Not sure how to proceed.

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