Hey Guys and Gals,

Due to the increase of unsolicited e-mail over the past few weeks,
members of my university community have gotten sick of receiving these
unwanted messages. While my general reaction to users who want to know
how to stop this type of spam is to use their Delete Key, 
create an Outlook Rule, ensure that they are not advertising their 
e-mail addresses in public forums i.e. newsgroups, the issue has
to the level of our CEO and University President. A mandate has come
down to find a method that will limit such types of mail while allowing
the majority of other e-mail to be delivered uninterrupted and without
filtering on specific phrases in e-mail.

As I am sure we have all seen this before, I am actively searching the 
Archives for previous suggestions and have come across a few that are
investigated, however I have seen so far no mention of an ability to
messages based on the total number of message recipients, To+CC+BCC.
we may not be able to filter on content here, it has been suggested that
it were possible to stop messages with greater than X number of
then we may do so. Does anyone know if this is possible ? I know I can
the total number of recipients in a Distribution List and for Outbound
but I do not know if it is possible for Inbound.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks much!


Daniel Foerst, MCP
Network & Microsoft Exchange Administrator
Center For Planning and Information Technology
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC 20064

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