1. Kiss appropriate ass
2. test with test lab
3. automate
4. Don't limit yourself to a exchange guru/Unix guru/etc - do all you can
but don't take on too much
5. backup everything with a schedule incremental/full/etc.
6. Use the internet to find/research great nt support companies such as
8. Learn to love coffee
9. negotiate bonuses with care and determination
10 Join these wonderful geek lists to share/learn/gather info. on IS

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 3:52 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Administration Advice


Myself being relatively new to Exchange 2000 Server Administration,
am looking for some very brief advice as to what the top 10 things are
to stay on top of, in order to ensure a smooth running system.

You can read all the books you want, but there is no better information
than hearing first hand from real-world Exchange Administrators.

Would some of you be so kind as to reply with a few tips as to what I
need to keep my eyes on?  For example, log files growing out of control,
security issues that I not be aware of, etc.

ALSO, there is one thing I am trying to figure out - and that is under
a Mailbox Store I created, there is a Mailbox called "SystemMailbox"
with 826 'Total Items' in there.  How can I view the contents of that
Mailbox?  Is this possibly bounced mail messages, or something else?

Thank you all VERY much for your replies,


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