I'm pretty sure all non-organized youth team sports were formally banned
in the U.S. sometime during the Reagan administration.

        Yeah, that was when the yuppies came in and took over the Little
Leagues and SoccerMom replaced June Cleaver as the national symbol for
housewives. Mommy and Daddy get bent out of shape when they don't see a
return on investment (playing time) for their shelling out 1,000 USD for
gear, clothing and private lessons (outside of normal practice meets). See
what happens when "Win at all costs" replaces "Go out and have fun".

John M.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Helfer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 3:14 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: The day after superbowl

  I'm pretty sure all non-organized youth team sports were formally banned
in the U.S. sometime during the Reagan administration.
  Completely replaced by relentlessly organized sporting leagues where all
parents strictly attend every event so as to not too cause a psychic breach
in  Jr.'s self-esteem by  implying that he or she is not at all times the
center of the universe.  Sort of boring for the adults so they spend game
time viciously cursing the officials and the other team's spectators.

   Works really well. Parents at these events rarely bludgeon each other to
death over arguments about the officiating or Princess's playing time. 

 Jim Helfer

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