I have an Outlook user that is putting his laptop into hibernation mode
everyday.  When he does this, his secretary realized that when she was
entering appointments on his calendar he was not seeing them until after he
synchronizes.  I am wondering if anyone knows any issue between hibernation
mode and outlook.  I have the president of the company also complaining that
after he comes up from hibernation mode and selects any of his mailbox
folders with the exception of the inbox, it says "unable to display the
folder".  If he shuts Outlook and re-opens it, it begins to work again.
It's obvious that hibernation is causing the problem however, I do not have
an explanation for why.  I would like to tell them not to use the feature
however, these are high level users.  Anyone that can shed some light into
the problem would be nice as to why it acts so weird.


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