Fello Guru's,
Am looking for a solution which will scan for viruses within x.400
protocol. I have looked at Mailsweeper for exchange 2000 and this seems to
have the capability. However do not want to upgrade the domain to 2000.
Needs to be kept NT and exchange 5.5.

Mailsweeper for exchange 5.5 only picks up x.400 which is embedded in

In the passed this large corporation had one of its exchange 5.5 which got
infected from within the domain, this then spread via X.400 to all other
exchange machines. SMTP are all very well when scanning external mail
coming in but I need to have a look at internal filtering.

Have had a look at clearswift which seems pretty reputable. Anybody have
some input to add. What I should set as main objectives and any thing I
should take into consideration.


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