 Thanks for the input, here is the original NDR again:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
      Subject:  The Prestige of GOLD Credit
      Sent:     4/30/2002 7:01 AM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 4/30/2002 9:34 AM
            The message contains a content type that is not supported
            <exchangen1.oneonta.edu #5.6.1 smtp;554 5.6.1 Body type not
supported by Remote Host>

This is generated mostly on mail coming into our exchange server not
going out.  

I have read stuff on the internet that says 7BITMIME is dead and
shouldn't be used anymore, and that any system that is using it is
outdated, that is why I hesitate to disable 8BITMIME

But, I will try Q257569 and see what happens.


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