We have a concern with an Exchange V5.5 SP3 to SP4 upgrade issue.

The issue we have is:
 - We have over 300 X.400 connectors coming into a central hub site
consisting of 4 servers. (150 remote sites, each with two connectors to
different servers).
 - At present we need to stop and restart the hub MTAs "a number of times"
each week.
 - SP4 is supposed to prevent this need for a restart on the MTAs.
 - BUT we have heard rumours [1] that say it might introduce worse problems
because we have that number of connectors.

Can anyone confirm, or deny, the rumours?

Cheers, Chris

[1] Someone installed SP4. The server crashed[2]. It had to be
re-configured[3] from scratch.
[2] It might or might not have been SP4 that caused the crash.
[3] The "Someone" is no longer available, as he didn't take appropriate
steps before the upgrade to allow a smooth recovery.

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