We have a one forest (corp.company.com), three child domain
(site1.corp.company.com, site2... and site3...) AD setup.
The account which the forestprep was run under is in the forest root. And
Domainprep was run at each site using the administrator account of each
We want to setup E2k in each child domain under one organization with three
different sites coexisting with E5.5 which is already under one org and
three different sites.
I am trying to add from each sites an account which has been created for
this pupose to the Enterprise Admin Group, however when I try to add these
accounts from the forest root, I can only view accounts which are in the
category of "contact" on the child domains and see no users what is wrong or
is anything wrong?
How can I allow each site to install E2K using an account created in each

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