I just posted this a couple of days ago, but here it is again. It labels
whatever tape is in the drive and does a backup to it. 

Use the GUI to create the backup selection file "everything.bks". Obviously,
you want this file to include your Exchange information stores.

Change the "BNCHMARK DLT1 SCSI Sequential Device" to whatever the name of
your tape drive is. See Q267574.

This batch file needs grep, recode, and blat. Use your favorite search

rem *****************************************************************
rem *
rem * Perform fullback to whatever tape is in the drive and email
rem * report
rem *
rem * Ken Cornetet - 06/10/2002
rem *
rem * Revision History
rem *
rem * When        Who            What
rem * ---------------------------------------------------------------
rem * 06/10/2002  Ken Cornetet   Original Issue
rem * 06/24/2002  Ken Cornetet   Added RSM command per Q267574
rem *
rem *****************************************************************

set SMTP=ntserver1

rem this is where NTBackup writes it's (unicode - blech) logs
set LOGS=%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows

cd \backup

rem Delete any extranious log files
del "%LOGS%\backup*.log"

rem ************************************************************
rem * Have removable storage management look at tape in drive 
rem * (See Q267574 for details)
rem ************************************************************

start /wait rsm refresh /lf"BNCHMARK DLT1 SCSI Sequential Device"
c:\bin\sleep 30

rem ************************************************************
rem * Do Backup
rem ************************************************************

start /wait ntbackup backup @c:\backup\everything.bks /M normal /J "%NAME%"
/P DLT /N "%NAME%" /l:s /HC:on /UM /D "%NAME%"

rem ************************************************************
rem * find newest (should be only) log file
rem ************************************************************

dir /s /b /o-d "%LOGS%\backup*.log" >c:\backup\backup.tmp
set /P FILE= <c:\backup\backup.tmp

rem ************************************************************
rem * Make ASCII version of log file
rem ************************************************************

c:\bin\recode -f unicode..us <"%FILE%" >log.txt

rem ************************************************************
rem * Append list of open files to the report
rem ************************************************************

echo **************** OPEN FILES ************************ >>log.txt
net file >>log.txt

rem ************************************************************
rem * Set subject for email
rem ************************************************************

set SUBJ=Backup ran OK
grep -v "Error: You do not have permission" > log1.txt
findstr /i error: log1.txt 
if not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SUBJ=Backup ran - FAILED

rem ************************************************************
rem * Send email
rem ************************************************************

c:\bin\blat log.txt -t %RECIPIENT% -subject "%SUBJ%" -server %SMTP% -f

rem ************************************************************
rem * Move log file to our directory
rem ************************************************************

move /Y "%FILE%" c:\backup 


-----Original Message-----
From: Pfefferkorn, Pete (PFEFFEPE) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 11:24 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: NT 2000 backup of Exchange.

Exchange 5.5 SP4 under NT 2000 SP2.

Well we have our first 2000 server up running Exchange 5.5 SP3.   I'm trying
to get the backups to run similar to what I had with NT 4.0.  With the 4.0
version I had the cmd set to initialize any tape in the drive, backup and
eject and mail the logs for verification.

With 2000 I used the wizard to create the backup but I can't seem to get it
to grab any tape I have inserted.  I tried adding multiple tapes to the
media pool with the same name, but I always get "The operation was not
performed, no storage media was specified" message on the report.  What am I
missing?  There must be a simple way to say any tape in there grab it and
use it for a backup.  

Pete Pfefferkorn
Senior Systems Engineer/Mail Administrator
University of Cincinnati
51 Goodman Street
Cincinnati, OH  45221
Phone - (513) 556-9076
Fax -     (513) 556-2042

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