Hi all,

Exch 5.5, SP4, post-SP4 hotfixes, Windows 2000 SP2 and Windows NT 4 SP6A

I hope someone can help, does anyone know of a whitepaper that documents in
detail the Outlook logon process? I want to know the order things are done,
i.e. names resolution occurs first using DNS by default, then RPC
connections to the Exchange server, then what happens when is the security
token checked against the mailbox, how does Outlook Security Settings effect
the logon as well as organisational form, address books, free-busy, etc,
etc. Why I hear some of your cry, well we have been having an intermittent
problem for some time in that occasionally (about 2 times a week) we will
get a whole bunch of calls from users that complain that Outlook is hanging
while logging in. The numbers are small say a maximum of 40 out of 4,500,
they are located on different subnets, different Exchange servers (same
site), etc, etc. I want to make a plan to start working through the logon
process to see where things are failing and therefore need a detailed
document on how Outlook logs onto the Exchange server.



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