Good experience with 23 1/3 °C made in good old Europe.

Sönke Luck
KPMG Germany - Messaging Team

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. November 2002 01:05
An: Exchange Discussions
Betreff: RE: Mail Relaying Originator <>

I heard it had to be at least 28 degrees C, but yeah, I agree.

-----Original Message-----
From: East, Bill [mailto:eastb@;] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 9:17 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Mail Relaying Originator <>

There are tiny evil gremlins in your server that are sending these
messages. But unlike in the movie "Gremlins," (which was excellent if
slightly technically flawed) these ones will shrivel into dust if they
are put in water. Submerge your server in 24 degree (celcius) water for
one full hour *while it is turned on*. I can't tell you how important
this last part is.

Alternately, it is perfectly normal behavior that is discussed in the
SMTP RFCs as well as the list posting FAQ, section 3.39.

Choose wisely.

be - MOS

A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Morrow [mailto:David.Morrow@;]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 10:28 AM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: Mail Relaying Originator <>
> I recently setup my MS Exchange server such that only people
> connecting from
> a specific set of IP addresses (my company's IP range) and 
> connections to an
> internal IP address are allowed to relay mail.  
> After doing so, I am still noticing mail in the IMC queue that has an 
> originator of <>
> David Morrow
> Network Administrator
> Autodata Solutions Company
> Ph: (519) 951-6067 Fax: (519) 451-6615
> "Poor planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency
> on my part."
> This message has originated from Autodata Solutions Company.
> The attached
> material is not the Confidential and Proprietary Information of
> Solutions Company. This email and any files transmitted with it are
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> individual or entity. If you have received this email in 
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