It is not really a virus as much as SPAM.
Just block those domains on your internet connection/proxy/firewall so the
users cannot access those sites.
And also use Trends eManager(30 day free trial) to block those incoming

Brian Dugas
MIS Director
Summit Technical Services, Inc.
Ph:     401-736-8323 ext. 11
Fax:    401-738-9813

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Grant [mailto:grant@;] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:09 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Virus heads up

I received this helpful e-mail from our AntiVirus agent last week.  No
machines have been hit yet.  I will post it here in the hopes that it
answers some questions.



There is a new spam hoax being sent around the internet provided by the
following company: Permissioned Media Inc., based in Panama.

The e-mail will appear in your inbox and will ask you to click upon a link
to view the greeting card you have been sent. The link is not necessarily
related to a greeting card site, and after clicking on it, the website will
state that software needs to be installed on your machine for you to view
the greeting card.  

The terms and conditions of the license states that by agreeing to the
installation of the software, you are also agreeing that a copy of the
greeting card e-mail can be sent to everyone in your address book.

If you accept the terms of the agreement, the executable will send a copy of
the e-mail to the contacts in your Outlook Address Book. Saying no to the
agreement will prevent the mass mailing of the hyperlink to the recipients
listed in the Outlook Address Book.

The following domains have been linked to this new hoax: 

There is no attachment included in the message sent out but rather a link
that must be agreed to to install the executable that will mail out an
invitation to addresse 's in the Outlook Address Book. 

The actual program is not a worm or virus, but rather a scam to promote the
company that created the spammer. 

The Subject of the message is as follows:

Subject: %Recipient% you have an E-Card from %Sender%. 


%sender% has sent you an greeting card -- a postcard from You can pickup your greeting card at by clicking on the link below. 

< Modified for non execution >

A content filter can be set using the following:

* greeting card from *

This will block the message from coming into an environment.

Since there is no attachment related to the message virus detection will not
be able to detect any executable on the message to remove its functionality.
The executable is placed on desktop system by visiting the link provided in
the message and agreeing to the license agreement. 

Sybari Software will continue to monitor the situation. We are providing
this information due to concerns posed by several inquiries to support. 

Thank You,

Sybari Software, Inc.

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