On 2/28/03 17:38, "Adam Berns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a query that looks like this for use with RBDL:
> =OverThere)(!givenName=CR*));cn,adspath;subtree
> Now then, this works fine to add people to a DL.  However, if I go in and
> manually add an organizationalPerson who's postalAddress=OverThere, and
> who's givenName does = CR*, it is not being removed.
> Any ideas?

RBDL is inherently unreliable when it comes to removing addresses from lists
(see archives for a bunch of my posts on using the product .. Somewhere in
late 1999 I think). When I used it, I ran a script to remove all members
from the list first, immediately followed by running RBDL to rebuild the DL.
Used it each night around 2AM and there was a window of 20 minutes or so
where the DLs were a bit in flux, hence the 2AM run time. AFAIK that script
is still running at the company where I installed it and building the DLs

Chris Scharff, MVP-Exchange

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