See also Andy's comments. I really don't think it's in a 2 year
timeframe. I saw the first Yukon demo 2 years ago and the beta just
started now...

As for anything will change in the next version of Exchange Server: yes,
no doubts. Same happened in Windows 2003 IIS6 and Sharepoint Portal
Server 2003 already and other products will follow. SPS2003 is actually
a pretty good example to see which architecture we can except in
Exchange 2005 (or whatever it'll be named).

This is from a developer point of view the same hassle as from a
customer who is using that stuff, I agree completely with you on that.

However, I dare to ask myself if it is worth to stick with the old
technology and just live with restarting a hanging service (or to make
it worse: reboot the server) every now and then or probably jump into
the cold water and rewrite the stuff to finally get a more stable system
at all. 

I do understand that nowadays everyone (including my company) has small
budgets (can you say no budget?) and less resources to work with. But as
Andy said, if you plan to stick with the currently existing technology
(which makes totally sense from a business point of view and I would do
the same if working in your environment with that amount of
customers/students) I'd really consider to iron out one of the potential
showstoppers by migration the code base. I was really scared when I red
that you guys need to start the Exchange 2000 Event Service every now
and then. I know that it was never 100% reliable to use Exchange 5.5
Scripting agent technology (as you know too, I'm sure), hence now with
Windows 2000 SP4 and Exchange 2000 SP4 around the corner I'd say it is
safe to move forward and stick with it for the next 3-4 years as you did
with the Exchange 5.5 scripting stuff (I remember our first e-mail
contact back in 1999 and when we met at TechEd 2001). It seems to have
done it work for almost 6 years fairly well. So, it doesn't hurt to
retire it, or?

BTW, If you need any particular help I'd be happy to do so. I've a
gazillion of code snippets around I'd share with you guys to get you

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beavers, Terry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:59 PM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: IPM.Post VS. IPM.Note
> Jeez, how is that an upside?
> After we spent the resources to develop this stuff to make it 
> work right during the 5.5 era, now we're told to rewrite 
> everything. So where does this leave us?
> In another 2 years, given Microsoft's penchant for change, 
> none of it will work with Yukon and here we are again. Yes 
> this is great for system integrators, consultants, etc. but 
> we can't just charge our customers
> (students) more money to cover all these redevelopment costs.
> I won't argue about the fact that maybe the scripts should be 
> updated. But that would be a lot of work. And in these times 
> of tight budgets and layoffs (my team has less than HALF the 
> staff we had this time last year but several new major 
> development projects), it doesn't get a chance to boil up in 
> the priority lists and instead becomes  a major pain in the 
> derriere and another reason for people to question 
> Microsoft's customer/developer commitment. This is a major 
> problem in an environment
> (academic) where you have to sell Microsoft to management and 
> users as a server environment (as you know, the sun never 
> stops shining in academia, if you know what I mean)
> I know, not your problem. We have the same issue with 
> Peoplesoft (at least their backward compatibility is somewhat 
> better, though) and who knows what oracle will do with that.
> Terry L. Beavers
> Technology Assessment & Application
> Information Technologies
> University of South Florida
> Tampa,  Florida
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Webb, Andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 1:40 AM
> > To: Exchange Discussions
> > Subject: RE: IPM.Post VS. IPM.Note
> > 
> > 
> > Well, then at least there's some room for improvement with
> > the server side code.  That's an upside I suppose. :)
> > 
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