The second scenario still presents the potential for a conflict of
interest. If you are accepting gifts from vendors then you may not be
forthcoming with all information about problems or issues with the system
that might cause the client to choose NOT to migrate, hold off on
migration, etc. Still the potential for conflict of interest.

> You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of the types of =
> consulting
> engagements. =20
> One such type: "I want to put in a new email system.  Please tell me =
> which
> system from all of the major players would fit in my environment."
> Another such type: "I've already decided that Lotus Notes is the email =
> system
> for me.  Please draw from your vendor-specific expertise and help me =
> with my
> deployment."
> There are others of course.  You seem fixated on the ethical problems =
> that
> might arise with a vendor-biased consultant being hired for the first of =
> my
> examples.  In this first example, you are completely correct in pointing =
> out
> the very real conflict of interest.  I cannot and should not expect
> completely neutral recommendations from a person who markets themselves =
> as an
> expert in $vendor's technology.  Logic would dictate that the consultant
> would recommend the technology that they are affiliated with. =20
> You have completely and repeatedly ignored the possibility of the second =
> (and
> IMO more frequently occurring) type.  If I am already running a $vendor =
> shop,
> I want to hire the best talent I can.  I would expect that the best =
> talent I
> can find would be familiar with $vendor technology.  The decision to use =
> a
> particular vendor has already been made.  By me.  Without any prodding =
> or
> cajoling by said consultant.   =20

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