Much sympathy to Mr. Kennedy.

But, I used his travails as a trigger to check on the rollups
installed on my Exchange machines.

According to,
RU11 for 2010 SP3 should show 14.03.0266.002.

That's not what I'm seeing. For all three servers (and the console I
installed on my workstation), I see 14.06.0266.001 - which is not
listed anywhere on the page, nor in the linked article

[PS] C:\windows\system32>invoke-command -computer usmailcas01p
-scriptblock {Get-Command ExSetup | ForEach {$_.FileVersionInfo}}

ProductVersion   FileVersion      FileName
--------------   -----------      --------
14.03.0266.001   14.03.0266.001   C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange
Server\V14\bin\ExSetup.exe                     usmailcas01p

Such a tiny difference, but it's disturbing.  Typo in the KB article,
or something else?


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