1) run NTBackup ON the SBS server while Exchange is running.
2) dump SBS

Last resort:
2) stop exchange services (net stop MSExchangeSA /y) and copy priv.edb,
pub.edb, and dir.edb to a file location


William Lefkovics, MCSE-NT4, MCSE-W2K, A+, ExchangeMVP
Why just ride, when you can fly? 
Rent this space: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: Howie Pince [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:19 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: No budget backups of exchange server on a SBS box, How to???


                Here's what I'm doing now and why?

NT 4.0 sp6, Exchange 5.5 sp4.

NO $$$ for backup software, so have been using Exmerge every day to dump out
pst's to dat tape.

Also been running directory export out of the exchange admin prog, so at
least I have something to start a restore with.

Also have been running NTBACKUP to dat, but the restore ALWAYS fails cause
the dir.edb import <restore> on another SBS box has different SID's than the
source box.

MS say's create a "recovery server" and add it as a BDC to get a correct
copy of the SAM BUT SBS can ONLY be a DC, so how can I get a copy of the SAM
to the 2nd box?

As of now I cant see a way around this recovery server issue and am ready to
give up using NTBACKUP all together, cause as far as I can see, it cant be
restored to anything.

Any thoughts on a workaround for this, and using my present method of
Exmerging everyday to DAT?

Remember I have ZERO $$$ to work with here.

Thanks much in advance..........


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