anything in the application event log?  online maintenance is happening each


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Falkenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 2:51 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Delayed/Non delivery of Internet mail

Hello folks, 

We are at 30 days up time in my Exchange 5.5 environment. I am starting to
get calls again from folks saying they are not receiving Internet E-mail.
The inbound and outbound queues are empty and the CPU usage is not pegged
through the roof.  The mail may appear hours/days later or not at all until
the servers are rebooted.
It seems to effect 4 or 5 people at random and gets worse the closer to 40
days up time we get.  I can reboot the servers and it goes away until we get
to 30+ days uptime again.

Exchange 5.5 sp4 site running on NT4.0 SP6a servers.  The user servers are
running ScanMail 3.51 with eManger 3.1.  The IMC server is not running any
anti virus.

Any ideas? And does anyone really like the new MS TechNet web interface?

Bob Falkenberg

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